Universities & Non-Profits

University and non-profit laboratories often mirror commercial or municipal laboratories in more than a few processes. Many times, a COTS (configurable, off the shelf) LIMS may easily fit into a university setting to provide much needed quality control and proper data storage, while at the same time being affordable.

LIMS offer university laboratories many features such as paperless data records, trending analysis, statistical review, as well as the ability to export data into more advanced statistical programs and the ability to assign workflow and workloads.

Most importantly, QAPP and SOPs can be stored so that every laboratory analyst may view them as needed. All assigned QA/QC is automatically applied to batches of data generated.

If chosen, the LIMS may be accessed remotely by professors and others involved in the research, thereby not limiting the LIMS only to those in the laboratory. The LIMS can also be shared by more than one laboratory with a second LabID. Additionally, a web portal called FlashPoint may be purchased to allow outside parties to view the data in real time once approved.

Universities and non-profit special pricing is available. Learn more about LIMS in a University setting